Friday, December 9, 2011

Keeping Christ in Christians

It's been a while since I wrote anything here. My sabbatical from this blog hasn't been because I've nothing to complain about, but because I've been trying not to be such a whiner.

However, this season, there is something that has finally gotten my goat, and I just feel the need to speak out for something sacred that is being lost, and at a time when it should have our focus.

That something, of course, is the need to keep Christ in Christians. Yes, that's right, I said Christians, not Christmas.

First, I have no desire to enter the debate on whether Christmas is a Christian holiday, or a pagan ritual. I also am not interested in arguing whether it's possible that Jesus was born this time of year or not. And the fact that Jesus is no longer a baby, worshiped in a manger, but a risen Savior is not the subject of my rant, either. I'm content to let everyone be convinced in their own minds about such things. I believe there is a more important issue to discuss.

The facts (among less important details) about Jesus' birth are these: "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." This is the message borne by angels to the shepherds all those "Christmases" ago. And, as this good news is for all mankind, for all time, this Savior's birth is "today".

We Christians are all familiar with the significance of sacrifice in both the Old and the New Testaments, culminating in the supreme sacrifice of God's spotless lamb for the sins of all mankind. This is certainly the Greatest Story Ever Told. But it occurred to me the other day, that Jesus' entire life on Earth was one of sacrifice, beginning with his nativity.

Think of what Jesus sacrificed in order to enter that manger. Philippians says it like this: "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!" His death was not possible, unless he were to make this first sacrifice—being born as one who could die.

So, what does this mean for us, those who follow him? Interestingly, the above passage from Philippians begins: "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:".

Finally, we come to my complaint: Every year I hear the cry from conservative Christians that we must "keep Christ in Christmas", when we should be far more concerned with keeping Christ

Many of us are willing to sacrifice this time of year, but what are we giving up?
  1. Hours of sleep to compete with Black Friday shoppers for those "hot" Christmas gifts.
  2. 14-28% interest for the next several months while we pay off our Christmas debt.
  3. Our Christian mores as we partake of one too many dips from the punch bowl at one too many Christmas parties.
  4. Family relationships because we are offended a relative either did, or did not attend our gathering.
  5. Our health and sanity because of the stress of wanting it all to be so perfect.
  6. And our joy, because it will never live up to our expectations.

Frankly, the billboard pictured above embarrasses me. To expend so much effort to insist unbelievers recognize the "reason for the season", and see "Christ in Christmas", when they can see no evidence of Christ in our hearts is a travesty. To do it in the name of Jesus, is particularly odious.

If we are truly followers of Christ, it seems to me that our recognition of his birth should be marked with sacrifice, humility, austerity, quietness, and love—every day!

Today, may you find the Savior born to you, and may others find him born in your heart.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

MLMs - My Final Verdict

This article has been a long time in coming. I have hesitated to write it for fear of hurting the feelings of the many I know who are engaged in Multi-Level Marketing.

Before you "get your back up" and defend your product, program, scheme, whatever as being different, understand that I am only presenting the conclusion that I have come to, and do not presume to decide for you. Also, call it what you will (multi-level marketing, network marketing, referral marketing, direct marketing, ad infinitum) - it's all the same to me.

My first introduction to this form of sales was in 1976, when I was asked to participate with friends in a wine "gifting" pyramid that would potentially net you 28 bottles of wine, with a cost of only 2 bottles. As easy as it sounded, I don't know of anyone who got their 28 bottles of wine, although many did make a profit. Of course, in order for some to make a profit, it's easy to see that there had to be many more who lost. Because it was friendly, and the most anyone lost was two bottles of wine, nobody got their feelings hurt.

My second brush with MLM was through a neighbor who was selling Amway products. In the stereotypical way, we were invited to dine with them, and were ambushed with a sales presentation. While we had already used some of Amway's products, and actually liked the results, we were not interested in selling Amway. Again, stereotypically, our declination ruined our budding friendship with our neighbors.

And thirdly, my wife actually became a distributor for Forever Living Products, an MLM selling Aloe Vera products. The reason she became a distributor was because she liked the products, and by being a distributor she could purchase them at a substantial discount. She could also sell the products at retail and produce a modest income. Unfortunately, the primary method of profiting in an MLM is by increasing your "downline", thereby profiting from the sales that others make as well. I say unfortunately, because my wife began receiving increasing pressure from her "upline" to start producing more profits for them, and also participate in the frequent "hype-filled" motivational meetings designed to keep the ball rolling.

The picture above is an example of how multi-level marketing is supposed to work. However, as depicted, it is a pyramid scheme similar to the wine pyramid. Pyramid schemes are illegal.

Save your breath if you are about to tell me that MLMs are not pyramid schemes. I've heard it before. I only submit this definition from Wikipedia as evidence: A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves promising participants payment, services or ideals, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme or training them to take part, rather than supplying any real investment or sale of products or services to the public. Pyramid schemes are a form of fraud. The operative word here is primarily. Now I ask you, honestly examine your MLM. What is the primary means of supposed "wealth building", signing others up to the program, or selling the product? For many, a more realistic depiction of how an MLM "works" is shown to the right.

Were it only the pyramid connection, I would probably have little or nothing to say here. I would simply choose not to participate, and look the other way. What makes me angry about this insidious formula for getting rich (admit it, they promised you'd get rich) is how it strains and destroys relationships.

Getting in early helps considerably with MLMs, but beyond that, in order to be successful, you must build your downline. And in every case I am aware of, you are taught to "leverage" those who trust you, namely, family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. I speak not only from statistics here, but from personal experience. Too often this zeal to grow your downline becomes unwanted pressure and "arm-twisting", resulting in relationship damage.

As a real example of this, I include the following facts, that are the real impetus for this article.

Since November 20th, a friend of mine has sent me 24 emails promoting an MLM that he is a part of. Since the emails come "via the MLM", it's obvious to me that I am not the only one receiving these messages, and it must be a method of "selling" people on the system advocated by the MLM. Though I have not once responded to one of these emails, I keep receiving them. And though I have been warned several times now that my time is running out, I keep being given another opportunity. Perhaps I should let my friend know that I am not interested, but, then again, he might have asked.

What irks me about this is that I very rarely (if ever) hear from this friend, and now, suddenly, I am being bombarded with news of this great opportunity ostensibly because he cares about me. Another egregious example of this is another friend (one with whom I also have little or no communication) who called me up when he found out I was having chest pains, and feared heart trouble. I was touched until I found out he wanted to sell me an MLM product he thought might help me. Maybe he really did care, but if that's the case, why has he never called back to see how I was doing?

I feel like I need to apologize to these two friends now, because some readers may discern who they are, and it's not my purpose to expose them. My indignation is directed at those who con people into believing that this is a viable means of becoming wealthy, and teaching people to use those who love them in order to become so. Add to it the idea that you can build your own kingdom while at the same time build God's Kingdom, and I find it reprehensible.

Finally, I restate my purpose: To make my opinion perfectly clear, once and for all. I am in no way passing judgment on those who choose this method of making a living. I hope you are successful, not only financially, but I hope you are successful in building relationships at the same time. And if you think I might be interested in becoming a member of your downline, please, just ask me.

My answer will be, "No."

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010

Goodbye 2010

I will not miss you, two-thousand-and-ten,
You took, and took, hardly giving again.
And what you took, cannot be replaced,
So be gone, good riddance, get out of my face!

You took my Dad, and e'en though it was time,
I'll always remember you committed that crime.
You stole from my mother, left her alone in grief.
For this act alone you're a barbarous thief.

But then you took Barry, still with more life to live,
Depriving the world of all that he'd give.
He triumphed o'er death by his faith, this is true,
But his vict'ry in no way exonerates you.

Then before your cruelty would at last have it's end,
You took Aunt Irene, injuring my mother again.
Add to this the recession, the heartache and sorrow,
And so many still fearing what may come tomorrow,

Your place in my memory is now made secure,
Twenty-ten was the year that I had to endure.
Many thanks I still give to my Father in Heaven,
But for spite I won't read them 'til twenty-eleven.