Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rick Halliday (1958-2003)

At a time it seemed life had no end,
That's when you were my best friend.

We laughed, we sang, we played our parts.
You were Paul, and I was Art.

As time moved on, I moved away.
Why we lost touch, I just can't say.

I've lived and loved, and you did, too.
But your life ended and I never knew.

Now hoping that we could renew our bond,
Instead I find that you are gone.

Had I been there to lift in love,
Would you have chosen to rise above?

The answer to this I'll never know,
But I'm sorry, Rick, that I let you go.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my, that brings tears. Life is precious and brief, to be sure. We must never take it for granted, whether it be our life or that of another.
