Sunday, March 30, 2008

Visiting Patrick

Because of some business that I needed to transact in person in Kentucky, I took the opportunity to visit Patrick and Andrea. It was a quick decision to go, but I’m blessed to have a job that allows me to work anywhere I have an Internet connection, and co-workers who coordinate the finer details for me while I’m gone.

I left Monday evening, and, after spending the night in West Memphis, arrived late Tuesday morning.

I had made arrangements to meet with Patrick’s case manager that afternoon, and Patrick and I met with Lt. Miller around 3 o’clock. We found out that they had managed to get him an impromptu appointment with his primary care provider, Miss Mapps, as well. This was a real bonus, because it didn’t look like he was going to get to see her until April 17th, and since she is the one responsible for directing his treatment, it was advantageous to see her as soon as possible.

So Patrick, Lt. Miller, Lt. Col. Garber (Patrick’s physical therapist), Miss Mapps and I had a lengthy discussion about Patrick’s medical condition and treatment. It was good to meet the people who are trying to help him, and have the opportunity to ask them questions.

In a nutshell, the diagnosis (in addition to physical injuries he suffered to his back, neck and ankle in Iraq) is post traumatic stress, and not TBI (Traumatic brain injury). They are also treating him for a possible seizure disorder, which they believe are responsible for his blackouts. They are working on the assumption that these may be caused by migraine headaches.

The plan at this point is to try to get him transferred to Ft. Hood (near Austin, TX) and start his medical discharge from there. The feeling is that the medical discharge process is so involved, that once it is started, a transfer would be unlikely.

If his transfer to Ft. Hood goes through, he will be stationed only an hour and a half away from home, and would be able to come home on weekends. Since we feel the best treatment for Patrick is to be with family, we’re excited about this possibility.

Besides the time spent working from the motel room, I was able to spend time with Patrick during the day, and with both he and Andrea Wednesday and Thursday nights. The time was so short, but we enjoyed our time together. I’m looking forward to having Andrea home again after this school term, too.

Friday I went to Patrick’s physical therapy appointment with him in the morning, and after “lunch” at Starbuck’s and a short time at the gym, I said goodbye and ht the road for home. I drove through the night, napping several times, and arrived at 10:30 Saturday morning. I’m still recovering, but I’m glad I went. I feel better now that I know the people helping Patrick personally, and have their permission to contact them in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Howard,
    I just found your blog through your wife's. I am Dana Lewis and I am sending some sewing supplies for Ethan (which is how I met Leslie). Anyway...

    I have enjoyed (rather a strange word and not quite the correct one) reading your blog today. I wanted to ask how Patrick is doing now. Did he get transferred closer to home?

    We have a young neighbor boy who recently returned from Iraq. It is a very sad case and he is now in a mental hospital. PTSD is so very real and so very difficult.

    I will add your Patrick to my prayers.
    Dana Lewis
